Show Your Support on
Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024. Every gift matters. Join our cause with any amount. Just $5 a month will make you a monthly difference maker donor with a total gift of $60 in 2025. Small amounts can add up to a big difference! Your gift will ensure that we have the operations funding and staffing to continue our mission in 2025. Thank you in advance!
We Are Grateful
Thank you
As always, thank you for your support!
Pictured: Chris Selwood who has spent over 400 hours cleaning and making the Theater accessible to the public. Thanks, Chris! Photo Credit: Sergei Chaparin.
We Need You
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With your support, we can make the Augusta Colonial Theater better than ever before.
Augusta Colonial Theater
139 Water St, Augusta, ME 04330
Augusta Colonial Theater - © 2022 - All Rights Reserved.
Web Design by Blue Gem Studios